Monday 19 August 2013

Final assignment :)


It's our final assignment...

This final assignment is also related to our previous assignment...

That is we have to print out our costume's photo and make a poster...

It is consider as an easier work compared to our previous assignment...

So,my poster shows below,hope that Mr.Charles will like it :)

The day-my hero costume

After doing the sketches,it's time to photoshot our costume...

That day,all of us wore out our costumes...

I think all of us looked so gorgeous after wearing our own costumes...

Here is my own costume...felt like a hero after wearing my costume....

My sketch of hero costume


Today I wanna introduce my sketch of superhero costume...

This is an assignment which we have to design our own superheroes costume,after that wear and photoshot it....

First thing we have to do is to sketch it out and get Mr.Charles's approval....

Ta....Da....this is the sketch of my hero costume... :D

Sunday 18 August 2013

My own CTS simulation trip's T-shirt


We are back from the trip :)

During the simulation trip, each of us brought a plain white T-shirt there...
And we were asked to design our shirt in order to record our schedule down through the whole trip...

 Here is my T-shirt...

this is the front view of my shirt

this is the back view of my shirt

Hope you will like it :)

CTS simulation trip- Day 3

Time flies, it's day 3....

It gonna be sad because we would have to leave this heaven soon....

My lovely group members, they are just adorable :)
Indeed, we had a memorable and awesome trip through these 3 days...
The unforgettable memories will always in my heart :)

CTS simulation trip-Day 2

It was day 2 of the trip...

Instead of doing the rest of the tasks....

We were quite free and relax this day...
Our programmes for this day was rock climbing, flying fox, paint ball and BBQ...

First, there was Rock Climbing....

It looks so interested right? Unfortunately, I didn't make it because I didn't wear a proper shoes at that moment :(

But here is the flying fox, it was the first time I tried this,it's just COOL!!!

Haha, that is me!!! I felt so surprised while I was doing it,it's so awesome!!!

Next, time for paint ball game, but I didn't participate,it looks quite fun

CTS simulation trip- Day 1

Hey peeps....this time we were going to a trip...

CTS simulation trip,and we were having trip at Tanjung Malim...I was wondering how will be the trip going?

Feeling so excited!!!

We were chit chatting so much on the way to Tanjung Malim,it's such a unforgettable memories!

Yeah!!! We reached there!! There is such a awesome and peaceful place....

After we having lunch,there came to some tasks for us.

Wow! Professor Charles has appeared...

And this is my group members- 5 Angels&1 Demon
Had a lot of fun and memorable experiences with them :D

Oblique Strategies

So,this day,Mr.Charles discussed about oblique strategies...

At the beginning,I didn't really understand what is it all about...

Then,I have did some researches about it,and I got to know it :)

In 1975, ambient rocker Brian Eno and color theorist Peter Schmidt devised a deck of more than 100 cards printed with cryptic phrases like “trust in the you of now,” “ask your body,” and “use ‘unqualified’ people.” The pair called it “Oblique Strategies” and advised artists to consult the deck when facing creative dilemmas or blocks. New editions have been printed over the years and their cult popularity appears healthy as ever. R.E.M. and David Bowie have both reported using the cards to write songs, and, most recently, they have become the basis for an upcoming exhibition at Pace University’s Peter Fingesten Gallery, through February 22.
Curator Emmy Mikelson randomly assigned two-dozen artists, including Rachel Higgins,David LukowskiJulie LangsamDominic NurreRuslan TrusewychRoger Sayre, and Anthony Titus, one card each and asked them to construct a work in response. The results came in all shapes and sizes: traditional oil painting, paper sculptures, loaves of bread stuffed with flashlights, and strobe lights mounted to a music stand.

For her card, “something very small — its center,” Brooklyn sculptor and Pace art professor Charlotte Becket built a tiny projector. Its simple construction — a rotating drum, light, and lens — spins a surprisingly innovative and elegant image, which, it turns out, is actually a panoramic view of a Pace bathroom stall.


Juxtaposition, what is it all about?
Juxtaposition refers to the use of dissimilar terms, concepts, or images in order to contrast their varying (or opposite) attributes. This may be used for ironic effect, to create surprise or humor, or to stimulate the imagination.Juxtapositions can be of various forms, involve various aspects, such as:
- people’s expression and body language- social aspects, generational aspects …- “semantic” i.e. associating elements that belong to the same idea.- writings (e.g. from billboards or any street signs)- shapes and patterns- color- etc…
Also juxtaposition can set a mood, which can range from humorous to tragic. Also sometimes it might serve some social or political commentary.

There's some examples of juxtaposition that can be seen in life:

Juxtaposition of an old lady and the robot girl
Juxtaposition of a lady and fish tank on a stand

Juxtaposition on colours of the fish

Juxtaposition of lady picture places on some old houses' wall

Juxtaposition on colours of a drop creates a beautiful colour tone

Word Puns-Dragonfruit

One-word Puns, there aren’t really any stand-alone, one-word puns as they all need some kind of context to create the word play. For example, 'pancake','cockroach','firefly'...
For my group,we decided to do 'dragonfruit'...haha

Basically,for everyone's common sense, dragon just a kind of fruit. In fact,it isn't that simple.

What we did at the beginning was sketch it out! This is our sketch which is drew by me before we going to make a 'real' dragon fruit.

The problem solver

Next, we were going to do a group mind map,which is also related to the Hero topic...

Here are my group members : Aderline ( Group Leader), Desmond, Mannju, Annie and of course myself! :) I'm glad to be a member of this group, I had so much fun with them throughout this semester.

Now, let's take a look of my group mind map!

My Hero Mind Map

Hi....this is my very first mind map for the topic of Hero...

I chose Dr Martin to be my hero mind map...He is such a good example of hero,everyone admires him so much...

We were given few colors by Mr.Charles which represented different meanings for the mind map...
For mind map/brainstorm
1) White colour - Information2) Yellow colour - Positive3) Black colour - Negative4) Red colour - Feeling5) Blue colour - Environnment/tools/organization6) Green colour- Creativity

Here is my mind map :D

Handy Charger

This is so called a handy charger, it's a hand connecting with a phone charger. Human's body will supply the electric energy to the phone charger to charge the phone if it is no battery.

Interesting class :D

I did still remember the day while we were having this interesting class. Mr.Charles played a music. Then, he asked us to listen the music and draw something that comes out in our minds on the butter paper by using the clay and marker pen. So, this is my drawing.