Sunday 18 August 2013


Juxtaposition, what is it all about?
Juxtaposition refers to the use of dissimilar terms, concepts, or images in order to contrast their varying (or opposite) attributes. This may be used for ironic effect, to create surprise or humor, or to stimulate the imagination.Juxtapositions can be of various forms, involve various aspects, such as:
- people’s expression and body language- social aspects, generational aspects …- “semantic” i.e. associating elements that belong to the same idea.- writings (e.g. from billboards or any street signs)- shapes and patterns- color- etc…
Also juxtaposition can set a mood, which can range from humorous to tragic. Also sometimes it might serve some social or political commentary.

There's some examples of juxtaposition that can be seen in life:

Juxtaposition of an old lady and the robot girl
Juxtaposition of a lady and fish tank on a stand

Juxtaposition on colours of the fish

Juxtaposition of lady picture places on some old houses' wall

Juxtaposition on colours of a drop creates a beautiful colour tone

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